yay (yei)
1. Used as an exclamation of pleasure, approval, elation, or victory.
dance (dan(t)s, ?dän(t)s)
1. a form of nonverbal communication between humans, and is also performed by other animals (bee dance, patterns of behavior such as a mating dance).
in·i·tia·tive (-nsh-tv)
1. The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination.
What is Yay Dance?
Yay Dance! is a state of being open to the joy of effort, the sensation of sweat, and the honesty inherent in the intelligence of one's physicality …WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
The Yay Dance Initiative is a series of events that when combined, put into motion a philosophy, a focus on the act of moving. Specifically emphasizing what moving means, to those moving and to those viewing. The three components of the Initiative involve holding the space for movement education, movement sharing, and movement presentation under the direction of jhon r. stronks.
What are the three components?
- jhon r. stronks|“there … in the sunlight.” A Contemporary Dance Company dedicated to creating an presenting dance works and performances that embody the choreographic vision of artistic director jhon r. stronks
- Move it or lose it Contemporary Dance Classes and Workshop Series. This class and workshop series will focus on the improvisational techniques and creative processes used in the construction of jhon’s artistic work. The ultimate goal is to guide the development of the participant’s movement intellect and performance clarity. The spring series will feature workshops with a variety of visiting contemporary dance artists with a strong educational component to their movement investigation.
- Venturing Out
An informal performance series intended to provide an opportunity for dance and performance based artists to present work regularly without the pressure of full production. The series offers choreographers an opportunity to develop work over time as well as offering the visiting guest instructors an opportunity to present work to the Houston dance community and patronage. Each Venture features a pre- performance discussion/mixer with the Venturing Choreographers followed by a “Venturing Out” choreographic showing with a post-performance reception to round out the evening.